Then I made some air dry clay to play with with our eggshells.
Air Dry Clay Recipe
1 C of cornstarch
2 C of baking soda
1 1/2 C water
Combine all ingredients in a pot and cooked over medium, stirring constantly.
Once the mixture gets to boiling it takes no time at all to combine into a lump of clay! Seriously start to finish it took maybe 10 minutes!(For more complete instructions and pictures visit Growing a Jeweled Rose.)
You will want to let the clay cool in a bowl covered with a damp cloth (so it doesn't dry out). The girls picked out an assortment of cookie cutters, a rolling pin and a meat tenderizer (to crush the egg shells better). Then they went to work.

The girls rolled and cut and decorated over and over. They finally decided on a few things to make and got to work on them. They kept telling me the eggs shells were "sparkles."
Once they were done we just left their creations on a waxed paper lined cookie sheet to dry. It took a couple days before they were done. NOTE: If you want the shells to stay on they have to actually be pressed into the clay; it took a couple reminders to get the girls to do this!
You may be able to add some sort of glaze or mod podge on top to keep them on as well. We didn't try this, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
You also get some more fine motor practice in the placing of the shells. The mor eprecise the kids try to be the harder the fine motor practice.
I made this bowl by actually mixing the eggshells in the clay. The girls had tried it and thought it was too pokey. It isn't really pokey as long as the shells are fine; big pieces do hurt a little.
The girls certainly enjoyed adding "sparkles" to their clay creations, so don't throw out those eggshells! Use them for art!